Health Benefits Of Owning A Hot Tub
Reduced Anxiety And Stress
Having a hot tub gives you a healthy way to take a time out from the pressures of a busy life. Warm water and massaging jets relax your body while looking at the stars or sharing your day with someone can calm your mind or put things in perspective. A hot tub routine with regular soaks can help you unplug, alleviate stress and ease your mind and body into a good night’s sleep.
Better Sleep
Research shows that soaking in hot water before bed may help to have a deeper, more restful sleep because it helps the body and mind to relax. In addition, the drop in body temperature after soaking in warm water sends a signal to your body that it’s time to sleep.
Pain Relief
Soaking in a hot tub can improve quality of life for people suffering from chronic pain. Studies show that spa therapy can temporarily ease pain for osteoarthritis and rheumatoid arthritis as well as fibromyalgia.
Better Mood
Warm water and massage jets induce relaxation and trigger endorphins. Good relationships and strong connections with friends and family can also improve well being.
Improved Muscle Relaxation
Hydrotherapy soothes your muscles and contributes to your overall well being. Warm water in the hot tub alleviates joint inflammation and helps improve mobility. The weight of the water and the massaging jets reduce stiffness and restore flexibility, while the bouyancy you feel in a hot tub relieves muscle tension. Relaxed muscles let blood flow more freely which increases oxygen, promoting better circulation.
Post Workout Relief/Pre-Workout Warm-Up
Warm water speeds up recovery after a demanding workout by increasing blood flow while reducing soreness. Soaking before a workout for 10 to 20 minutes gets blood flowing and loosens up your muscles, which can reduce injury.
Stronger Connections
A hot tub is a great setting for better relationships, whether it’s a couple making time for each other, family time away from devices or time with friends entertaining. Strong relationships are key to a healthy, fulfilling life.
Increased Mobility And Vitality
Hot water and hydromassage alleviate stiffness and improve mobility. Water bouyancy allows joints to move more freely by reducing tension. Regular useage can be a revitalizing routine, giving you a boost of energy and vitality that help you power through the day!